Thursday, January 12, 2012

Research suggests...

Web addicts have brain changes similar to those hooked on drugs or alcohol, preliminary research suggests.
Experts in China scanned the brains of 17 young web addicts and found disruption in the way their brains were wired up.
Internet addiction is a clinical disorder marked by out-of-control internet use.
A research team led by Hao Lei of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan carried out brain scans of 35 men and women aged between 14 and 21. Seventeen of them were classed as having internet addiction disorder (IAD) on the basis of answering yes to questions such as, "Have you repeatedly made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back or stop Internet use?"
Specialised MRI brain scans showed changes in the white matter of the brain - the part that contains nerve fibres - in those classed as being web addicts, compared with non-addicts.

These findings could change treatments for web addiction. Most of the addicts played violent games which some researchers say was key to their addiction.

Source: bbc news:

Violence in games

A recent study has shown that violence depicted in gaming raises the risk of aggressive beviour in young viewers and even adults. The violence shown could have the capability to pose a threat to public health.
Other research has found those who play violent video games showed less activity in areas that involved emotions, attention and inhibition of our impulses. Behavioural studies have shown an increase in aggressive behaviour after someone has played a violent video game. There is also psychological evidence to show that violence viewed on screens or played in games has a negative effect on areas of the brain.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Poster Pictures

We started by taking a long shot but it was too dark and he isn't that visible at first glance. 

We then took this photo ^^ but we decided that we would prefer a straight on angle and more of a close up on his face. 

This is more of the shot we wanted but we lost the top of his head so re-took the picture. 

We really liked this shot and we are likely to use this on our poster.